School Closure Review Meeting for Lochiel U-connect
Meeting Location: Simonds Elementary School
May 13, 2015 @ 7pm
As a part of the Long Term Facilities Plan, the Langley School District served a notice of motion to consider the possible closure of the Lochiel U-connect program at its current location. Trustees will attend a public meeting at Simonds Elementary School on Wednesday, May 13, 2015, 7pm, and the decision will be made at a Special Meeting of the Board of Education on Tuesday, June 9, 2015. The purpose of the May 13th meeting is to gather information from the community about the impacts of the possible closure. Oral and written presentations will be received. Speakers will be provided a five-minute time limit.
To register as a Speaker or make a written submission, please contact David Green, Secretary-Treasurer via email at or by phone at 604-532-1477. Written submissions may also be mailed or dropped off at the School Board Office, 4875 222 Street, Langley, V3A 6J3. Speaker registrations will be collected between May 4th and 12 noon May 8th.