Board Meeting: December 10, 2024

December 9, 2024

The Regular Meeting of the Langley Board of Education was held in-person and streamed online.



Board Chair Candy Ashdown made a statement to announce the new name of the Northeast Latimer Elementary. She announced that Josette Dandurand Elementary will be the name of the new school. She shared a brief biography and talked about the impact Josette had on the school community. She told the Board that Josette was a Kwantlen First Nation elder, cultural presenter, advocate for social justice, and dedicated leader in the journey of Truth and Reconciliation. In 2015, Josette travelled to Ottawa to provide testimony of her experiences in residential schools. She returned to Langley to share her stories with students and staff. As an educator and elder, she has left a positive legacy in the school community and demonstrated the District’s core values of Integrity, Excellence, Courage, and Community. She closed her statement by saying Josette’s name will serve well for the new school in the Willoughby Slope.

Josette Dandurand’s son, Luke Dandurand, who is a SD35 Aboriginal Support Worker, shared some heartfelt words on behalf of the Dandurand family. He started his speech by introducing himself and welcoming everyone in the hən̓q̓əmin̓əm language, the language spoken by his People. He said his mom taught him about the importance of revitalizing the language and forgiveness. He learned about friendship from her and noted that it was an important part of Truth and Reconciliation, as he said, “one heart, one mind,” this is what healing, friendship, and family feels like. He closed his comments by saying “it’s a beautiful day” and also reminding people about how his mom made an impact by sharing her story throughout the nation.

Michael Gabriel shared more heartfelt comments in response to the announcement. He thanked the Superintendent and Board members for their work. He said he will bring the news back to his Chief and members. He drummed and closed with a song as a form of celebration with the ancestors and to honour Josette Dandurand.

The above video will begin on this agenda item.

Superintendent’s Reports

Odyssey Professional Development Day

District Mike Pue shared some reflections on the naming of the new school Josette Dandurand Elementary. He started his presentation by sharing how earlier in the day he had watched an old video asking elders what advice they would give themselves if they were younger, and he noted how in the video Josette said she wanted to ensure children are educated. Having known Josette, Pue said that she believed it was important for all children to have a good education.

He went on to say that her words and teaching are an example of a reason the District hosts the Odyssey Conference, which is a one-day professional development learning opportunity for staff. To help understand how Odyssey got started, Pue reviewed the Principles of Learning and the Guiding Principles of “One heart, One mind” (lets’emó:t / nə́c̓ɑʔmat) and “Working Together” (sq’eq’o yoyes / ya:y̓əstəl̕). He said the intention of Odyssey is to come together and have an understanding, and to “take time to connect what’s in your head to your heart.” It’s an Indigenous focused pro-d day, which started in response to the BC Tripartite Agreement. As part of this agreement, Districts have one non-instructional day per school year focused on enhancing First Nation student learning outcomes. Districts also have one non-instructional day for the purpose of providing staff with an opportunity to participate in discussions and activities that focus on Indigenous Worldviews and Perspectives. He went over the history and evolution of Odyssey over the years, highlighting speakers and themes for each conference. Based on feedback, they held the conference and brought people together in person for the conference with the theme “Opening Our Hearts.” The conference highlighted Indigenous dancers and speakers.

This year’s event will also be open to all staff. He explained how this year’s planning was a collaborative effort by all partner groups. He reviewed the day’s schedule, which will be at the Langley Events Centre and again will open with a cultural presentation. He provided brief highlights of what can be expected including over than 100 different workshops, internal and external presenters, and a strong Indigenous-focused component. He ended the presentation with photos of young Indigenous dancers looking happy and proud of who they are. He closed saying that the Odyssey conference will be on February 10.

Recommendation: That the Board of Education receives the report on Odyssey Professional Development Day 2025 for information, as presented.

The Board approved the report as presented. The video above will begin on this agenda item.

NE Latimer Catchment Boundaries

Although the new school has been named Josette Dandurand Elementary, Assistant Superintendent Marcello Moino said that for the purpose of the presentation he will continue to refer to the school as NE Latimer Elementary. He noted there were two phases of consultation with the families in the community. He started by saying how throughout the process, although the enrolment numbers are important, the District aims to ensure that children and families are at the centre of decision making.  He briefly went over the growth projections in schools. Based on projections and data, the District has learned that Donna Gabriel Robins Elementary followed by Willoughby Elementary are the fastest growing schools in Langley. Langley Meadows is the only catchment in the Willoughby Slope that is not growing. He noted that the District is mindful of the growth in both middle schools.

Moino reviewed the process in phase 1 and showed a slide outlining the series of community meetings that were held. He reviewed the process in phase 2 and showed a slide outlining the series of meetings held.

District staff reviewed in person and emailed feedback from phase 1. The initial feedback informed the District that a survey to families about childcare needs as well as the preference for students in overflow schools was needed to help make decisions. Two important topics were brought to light in phase 1 including concerns regarding after school childcare and the suggestion to include grandfathering as a potential process.

The District collected comments from families in community meetings as well as feedback from 25 additional emails in phase 2. Moino provided a summary of common sentiments parents and guardians had. Concerns included after school childcare, timely registration for childcare, walkability, transportation, transition, impact on children who have diverse needs, grandfathering, grandfathering for students attending overflow schools. He shared results from the two surveys that were conducted. From all the feedback and data collected, the District has the following key considerations:

  • Have students in their catchment schools as much as possible
  • Decrease the size of the Donna Gabriel Robins Elementary and Willoughby Elementary catchments
  • Increase the size of the Langley Meadows Community School catchment
  • Ensure Northeast Latimer Elementary does not open full
  • Maintain balanced enrolment in the two middle schools
  • Working to create / expand before and after school care at Northeast Latimer Elementary and Langley Meadows Community School

He then shared the new catchment boundaries for the catchment with each slide containing a map with boundaries. The slides show the creation of the new catchment for Northeast Latimer Elementary and then changes to Willoughby, Donna Gabriel Robins, and Langley Meadows Community schools.

He outlined additional details for consideration:

  • Current students in overflow schools can stay at their school if they wish to
  • Current students in overflow schools can return to their catchment school
  • Out of catchment students at other Willoughby Slope elementary schools will return to their catchment, they may apply for cross boundary, but approval is dependent on space
  • Before and after school will be operated by the District at Northeast Latimer Elementary
  • The District is working on expanding before and after school care at Langley Meadows
  • The plan is to maintain current middle school boundaries with 80th Avenue continuing to be the dividing line

He closed the presentation with a slide outlining the projected enrolment for September 2025.

Recommendation: That the Board of Education approves the catchment area for Josette Dandurand Elementary School be created effective September 2025 as identified below:

NORTH: From the intersection of the Trans-Canada Highway #1 and 196th Street (Langley/Surrey border) travel east along the Highway #1 (south side only) to the intersection of the line with 202B Street.

EAST: Travel south down the line of 202B Street (west side only) to 84th Avenue. Travel east along 84th Avenue (south side only) to 204th Street. Then travel south along the line of 204th Street (west side only) to 80th Avenue.

SOUTH: Travel west along 80th Avenue (north side only) to 200th Street. Travel south along 200th Street (west side only) to 75A Avenue. Go west along 75A Avenue (north side only) to 198B Street. Travel south down 198B Street (west side only) to 74th Avenue. Travel west along 74th Avenue to 196th Street.

WEST: Travel north along 196th Street line (east side only) to the Trans-Canada Highway #1.

The Board approves the above motion.

Recommendation: That the Board of Education approves the catchment area for Willoughby Elementary School be adjusted effective September 2025 as identified below:

NORTH: From the intersection of the Trans-Canada Highway #1 and the line of 202B Street, travel east on Highway #1 (south side only) to 208th Street.

EAST: Travel south down the line of 208th Street (west side only) to 78th Avenue. Travel east along 84th Avenue (south side only) to 204th Street. Then travel south along the line of 204th Street (west side only) to 80th Avenue.

SOUTH: Travel west along the line of 78th Avenue (north side only) to 206th Street. Go north along the line of 206th Street (east side only) to 80th Avenue. Go west along 80th Avenue (north side only) to 204th Street.

WEST: Travel north along 204th Street (east side only) to 84th Avenue. Travel west along 84th Avenue (north side only) to 202B Street. Go north along the line of 202B Street (east side only) to the intersection of the Trans-Canada Highway #1.

The Board approves the above motion.

Recommendation: That the Board of Education approves the catchment area for Donna Gabriel Robins Elementary School be adjusted effective September 2025 as identified below:

NORTH: From the intersection of 74th Avenue and 196th Street, travel east along 74th Avenue (south side only) to 198B Street. Travel north along 198B Street (east side only) to 75A Avenue. Travel east along 75A Avenue (south side only) to 200th Street. Go north on 200th Street (east side only) to 80th Avenue. Travel east along 80th Avenue (south side only) to 206th Street. Go south along the line of 206th Street (west side only) to 78th Avenue. Go east along 78th Avenue (south side only) to 208th Street. Go south along 208th Street (west side only) to 74B Avenue. Go east along the line of 74B Avenue (south side only) to 216th Street.

EAST: Travel south, then southeast along 216th Street (west side only) to Glover Road. Travel southwest along Glover Road (north side only) to the Langley By-Pass.

SOUTH: Go west along the Langley By-Pass (north side only) to 204th Street. Go north along 204th Street (east side only) and continue north and northeast along the Willowbrook Connector (east side only). Continue northeast then north along 208th Street (east side only) to 68th Avenue. Go west along 68th Avenue (north side only) to 202B Street. Go north along 202B Street (east side only); continue north along 202A Street to 74th Avenue (east side only). Travel west along 74th Avenue (north side only) to 200th Street. Go south along 200th Street (west side only) to 72nd Avenue. Go west along 72nd Avenue (north side only) to 196th Street.

WEST: Go north along 196th Street (east side only) to 74th Avenue.

The Board approves the above motion.

Recommendation: That the Board of Education approves the catchment area for Langley Meadows Elementary School be adjusted effective September 2025 as identified below:

NORTH: From the intersection of 72nd Avenue and 196th Street, travel east along 72nd Avenue to 200th Street (south side only).

EAST: Travel south along 200th Street to the Langley By-Pass (west side only).

SOUTH: Travel west, then southwest along the Langley By-Pass, to the intersection with Fraser Highway (north side only). Go northwest along Fraser Highway until 196th Street (north side only).

WEST: Travel north along 196th Street to 72nd Avenue (east side only).

The Board approves the above motions. The video above will begin on these agenda items.

Secretary-Treasurer Reports

Budget process and Timelines 2025-2026

Secretary-Treasurer Brian Iseli presented to the Board the budget process and timeline (2025/2026 Preliminary Operating Budget). He noted due to the change in provincial government there may be a delay in funding announcements. Staff will continue to work to meet the usual timelines. He outlined the month-by-month breakdown and the activity that takes place during that time. From January to April the District conducts its budget consultation, the budget open house in early June, and the third reading of the budget bylaw and approval of the multiyear financial plan in mid-June.

Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve the Budget Process and Timeline (2025/2026 Preliminary Operating Budget) as presented.

The Board approves the above motion. The video above will begin on this agenda item.

New Business

No new business

Trustee Comments

Question Period

No questions