All students in the middle school level will receive five communications of student learning; 3 written formal learning updates and two informal learning updates. Below is the reporting schedule for middle school. 

Reporting Schedule 

Meet the Teacher EventSeptember
Parent/Teacher Interview
(Informal Learning Update)
Formal Learning UpdateNovember
Formal Learning UpdateMarch
Parent/Teacher Interview
(Informal Learning Update)
Formal Learning Update (Final Summary of Learning)June

At the middle school level, the following below are examples of information that parents/guardians can expect to learn from their student’s learning updates. To return to the Communicating Student Learning (CSL) webpage, click here.

  • What is a Proficiency Scale?

    The use of the proficiency scale gives students and parents/guardians a clear understanding of what students can do now and areas for future growth. A proficiency scale is used to describe student learning based on a teacher’s professional judgement according to expectations for the grade level and time of year. This information is included in a child’s learning update. Below is the proficiency scale used for students in grades K-9. 

  • What is a Core Competency Reflection?

    The Core Competencies are integrated into all areas of learning. They are the communication, thinking, and personal and social skills your child needs to be successful now and in the future.  Like you, your student’s teacher is helping your student build these skills every day. This is how your student will learn how to have healthy friendships, care about others, communicate well with others, think critically, and solve problems.   

    The K-12 Student Reporting policy has mandated as part of the provincial graduation program students are required to reflect on the Core Competencies a minimum of 3-times per school year.   

    In Langley we have developed a reflection process that allows students to:

    • provide illustrations of their learning 
    • assess their own strengths* 
    • revisit previous self-assessment, where applicable, to monitor their growth. 

    * Students are not assessed by teachers on the Core Competencies. Instead, your student’s written learning updates will include access to their self-reflections allowing you to initiate a discussion at home.  

    For a more detailed exploration of the Core Competencies check out, this website here.

  • The Importance of Self-reflection and Self-assessment

    Our world is constantly changing. It’s still important for students to learn facts and information, but it’s also important for students to learn how to think, communicate, interact with others and reflect on their own experiences. This is where the Core Competencies come in. The Core Competencies are part of BC’s curriculum, so every day your student goes to school, they will be building these skills. Self-reflection is an important life skill for students to learn from the earliest age. These skills will help them succeed both in school and in their future, including in the workplace. Self-reflection will help your student understand themselves better, work toward and meet their goals, and celebrate their successes. Research shows that students do better when they have a say in their learning. Self-reflection provides an avenue for this to happen. 

    Watch this video The Value of Reflection to learn more about the importance of student voice and reflections.

  • Students' Role

    Langley’s Core Competency Reflection process consists of 2-parts; Grab It and Crunch It.

    During Grab It students are collecting evidence of their learning experiences. This is an on-going process that cuts across all their course work. These experiences are captured using SpacesEDU which allows students to access them through-out their K-12 learning journey.

    Check out the following video to see what your student will be doing during Grab It. 

    Grab It – Competency Reflection on Vimeo

    Self-reflection is when your student thinks deeply about the skills they have developed, and how they can continue to grow those skills. In Crunch It, students choose which of the Core Competencies they will self-reflect on as they:  

    • Check it: RECONNECT with their evidence 
    • Explain it: PAUSE and CONSIDER why their evidence is IMPORTANT to them 
    • Connect it: create their REFLECTION 

    Check out the following video to see what your student will be doing during Crunch It. 

    Crunch It – Core Competency Reflection on Vimeo

  • Teachers' Role

    Using a series of ‘I can…’ statements associated with the Core Competencies teachers work with students to develop the language of Core Competencies through authentic experiences and learning opportunities. Through consistently noticing, naming, and nurturing the Core Competencies and connecting them to what the students are learning, teachers and administrators support students’ understanding of themselves as communicators, thinkers, and personally aware and socially responsible citizens 

  • Assessment of Student Progress

    Students have opportunities throughout the year to self-assess and describe who they are as learners, document their progress, and share their accomplishments in a holistic manner. Through this ongoing process, students will develop the ability to reflect, set goals, identify their strengths and areas for improvement, and gain greater responsibility and ownership of and for their learning. Self-assessment of the Core Competencies brings together learning in a way that profiles the uniqueness and individuality of each learner. Your student’s written learning updates will include information on their Core Competency self-reflection. 

  • Ways You Can Support Your Child

    Self-reflection is an essential skill that helps children learn from their experiences, improve their critical thinking, and develop emotional intelligence. Parents can support this by modeling reflective thinking, asking thoughtful questions, and creating an environment where mistakes are seen as learning opportunities. Through self-reflection, children can gain confidence, set personal goals, and grow into more thoughtful, resilient individuals. Here are some tips as you look to engage in a conversation with your student about their growth in the Core Competencies. 

    Ask your student to share what they have been collecting in SpacesEDU.

    SpacesEDU is the digital platform your student is using to collect evidence during Grab It and to complete their Crunch It reflections.  

    Look for Evidence of Competency Use 

    Review your student’s schoolwork, homework, and projects. Focus on assignments that require critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, and communication. Have discussions with your student on how they approach tasks, their collaboration with peers, or how they handle challenges.  

    Ask Reflective Questions 

    After a school day, an activity, or a challenging situation, ask open-ended questions that prompt your child to think deeply about their experience. For example: 

    • How did you feel about today’s class or project? 
    • What was the most challenging part of your homework? How did you handle it? 
    • What would you do differently next time?

    Model Self-Reflection 

    Share your own self-reflections with your child. Talk about something you learned at work or how you dealt with a challenge, emphasizing what you did well and what you could improve. 

     Celebrate Growth and Effort 

    When your child reflects on a situation and identifies what they learned, acknowledge and celebrate that growth. Reinforce the idea that improvement comes from learning, not just from succeeding.