Board Meeting: May 16, 2023
May 15, 2023
Secretary-Treasurer’s Reports
2023-2024 Annual Budget Bylaw (First Reading and Second Reading)
Brian Iseli, Secretary-Treasurer, presented the 2023-2024 Annual Budget to the Board. He gave an overview of various budget assumptions for the next school year. Some examples include a projected increase in student enrolment of 812 FTE and a projected 880 FTE for ISP students. Larger expenses costing the District include benefit changes, collective agreement increases for teachers and CUPE (6.75%), Admin and Exempt wage increases (5.5%). The District’s budget bylaw is $355, 297, 252 for the 2023-2024 school year.
Iseli provided breakdowns in numbers for the following financial categories: Operating Funds, Revenues, Grants, Tuition Revenue, Operating Expenses by Source. He noted revenue from lease and rentals is slowly returning to pre-COVID levels. In regard to operating expenses, he outlined increasing costs related to increasing teacher salary, administrator salary, and SEA and support staff wages. Iseli listed all of the increase and decrease in supplies as part of the budget, including Leadership Development, the Long Term Facilities Plan process, and the Project Definition Report for the Proposed Smith Neighbourhood Secondary School. He also talked about examples of local capital purchased from the Operating Fund which included computer equipment & technology support, furniture and equipment, software, and vehicles to upgrade the aging fleet. Iseli listed the various special purpose funds received by the District.
To close the presentation, Iseli explained the process moving forward which includes first and second reading at tonight’s meeting, and third reading at the next Regular Board Meeting. He also announced the District is hosting a Virtual Budget Open House for the public on June 6, 2023.
Recommendation: That the School District No. 35 (Langley) Annual Budget Bylaw for fiscal year 2023/24 in the amount of $355,297,252 be given first reading.
Recommendation: That the School District No. 35 (Langley) Annual Budget Bylaw for fiscal year 2023/24 in the amount of $355,297,252 be given second reading.
The Board approved all of the above motions. The video above will begin on this agenda item.
Superintendent’s Reports
Strategic Plan 2023-2026
Superintendent Mal Gill began the presentation by thanking all of the staff and partners involved in the planning and creation of the Strategic Plan 2023-2026. He reminded the Board of the efforts put in continue to be grounded on the First People’s Principles. He provided some background information around transition and completion rates data, the District’s Ensouling our Souls initiatives, and work with ya:y̓əstəl̕, which help drive the goals in the Strategic Plan.
Gill shared the District’s educational goals and overarching strategies which include developing a Professional Learning Community (PLC), Response to Intervention, and Teacher Growth Plans.
He outlined the District’s community of partnerships goals which include meeting with regularly with Partners, Consultations – Community Engagement, and the District’s Student Engagement Project.
He shared the operations goals (finance and facilities) which include a new elementary school and secondary school in the Willoughby region, among other projects. He noted operations goals (human resources) which include the hiring of new employees in various departments.
Gill closed the presentation with some next steps including the updated Framework for Enhancing Student Learning (FESL), an Anti-Racism Action Plan with a consultant, and the potential revisioning of the District.
Recommendation: That the Board of Education approves the Strategic Plan for 2023-2026, as presented.
The Board approves the report as presented. The video above will begin on this agenda item.
School Calendars 2023-2024 – Amended
District Principal of Human Resources Kevan Reeve shared with the Board a few updates related to two of the calendars for the next school year. One of the changes is related to the Elementary Calendar (with Student Inclusive Conferences) as a result of a signed Letter of Understanding with the Langley Teachers’ Association. He also noted there was a change to the Langley Education Centre calendar to accommodate the existing Monday to Thursday schedule and to include professional development days.
The Board approves the report as presented. The video above will begin on this agenda item.
AP 261: Student Exchanges and Billeting
Assistant Superintendent Lisa Lainchbury opened the presentation by providing some background information around exchanges and billeting and commented on how the main priority is student safety. She provided definitions for cultural exchanges and billeting. She explained the rationale for creating an administrative procedure. She said the admin procedure would be utilized to provide parameters for planning and implementation of such experiences. She shared notable elements of the administrative procedure which include criminal record checks for anyone 18 years of age in the host family in any country, host families intending to drive students in a privately owned or rented vehicle that satisfy similar school district guidelines. They also have to satisfy the Board’s policies around Transportation and Field Trips.
Walnut Grove Secondary Principal Jeremy Lyndon continued the presentation sharing with the Board the purpose of exchanges and billeting; explaining that they offer transformative educational experiences. He shared the experiences of some students who travelled abroad on exchange including trips to Germany and Spain. He shared how the students had positive, life-changing experiences, and a reignited passion for learning in various subjects.
Recommendation: That the Board of Education receives Administrative Procedure No. 261 – Student Exchanges and Billeting for information, as presented.
The Board approved the report as presented. The video above will begin on this agenda item.