Board Meeting: April 25, 2023
April 24, 2023
Board Chair Candy Ashdown acknowledged the tragic news announced earlier in the week regarding the discovery of unmarked graves at the St. Augustine’s Residential School in Sechelt. The Board Chair shared remarks and announced the observation of one minute of silence to honour those children who have not returned, those impacted, and the families who continue to mourn.
The video above will begin on this agenda item.
Day of Mourning for Workers Killed and Injured
Wendy Cook with the New Westminster Labour Council shared comments to mark the Day of Mourning for Workers Killed and Injured, which is on April 28. She expressed information outlining how many workers have been injured historically. She mentioned a new public memorial in Vancouver that honours those that have been lost due to asbestos related injuries and deaths. Using statistics, she explained how vulnerable and susceptible young workers are to injuries at work. She noted that as a way of prevention, workplaces should have proper workplace health and safety education in place. In closing, she invited members of the school community to join in support and observe one minute of silence on this day.
Board Chair Candy Ashdown shared remarks and announced the observation of a minute of silence in the meeting.
The video above will begin on this agenda item.
Superintendent’s Reports
I.D.E.A. Summit and IDEA-X Challenge 2023
George Kozlovic, Director of Instruction, provided some background about the I.D.E.A. Summit. The idea started in 2016 with the leadership of Superintendent Gord Stewart, who wanted to provide students with opportunities, specifically regarding entrepreneurism. A ‘think tank’ of educators within the District worked together to develop the structures in place, such as the use of a program in schools called Power Play. Students were taught entrepreneurialism and schools held entrepreneurial fairs.
The District is at the point where it can share its own District-led programming among educators. He shared examples of student projects from a recent entrepreneur fair at Lynn Fripps Elementary. He explained the activities that take place at the I.D.E.A. Summit. The event takes place on May 9 at the Langley Events Centre. It’s an event that will see many students showcase their projects, while students from across the District will attend as spectators, as will members of the community. There will be judges from the community who are at the event, offering feedback to students and handing out prizes.
In addition, there will be nine teams of secondary school students who will be showcasing projects as part of the upcoming IDEA-X Challenge. The projects pitched aim to solve a global or local issue to solve. This year the challenge is to create a better Langley. The IDEA X final presentations and awards will take place on May 23 at the Langley Events Centre.
Recommendation: That the Board of Education receives the report on the 2023 I.D.E.A. Summit and IDEA-X Challenge for information, as presented.
The Board approved the report as presented. The video above will begin on this agenda item.
School Calendars 2023-2024
Deputy Superintendent Woody Bradford opened the presentation by thanking partner groups for working with the District to develop the calendar for 2023-2024.
Kevan Reeve, District Principal of Human Resources, provided some background information on the process in developing the District calendar. He said the District utilizes a two-week Spring Break by adding calendar variation days. He shared details on the two-week Spring Break, the total number of days in the school year (based on hours of instruction) which is 187 days. He explained there were eight separate calendars in the District representing different schools and their calendar differences. He presented the Board with the eight calendars which require a review. Factors that go into developing the calendar include alignment with nearby school districts, professional development days, and calendar compliance.
Recommendation: That the Board of Education approves the School Calendars for the 2023-2024 school year, as presented.
The Board approved the above motion. The video above will begin on this agenda item.
Notice of Motion Return – District Calendar 2025-2026
Kevan Reeve, District Principal of Human Resources, provided background information about the calendar for the 2025-2026 school year. He noted the District works proactively to have three years of calendars approved and available to the school community to help students, staff, and families make plans. He mentioned the new calendar is in compliance.
Recommendation: That the Board of Education approves the District Calendar for 2025-2026, as presented.
The Board approved the above motion. The video above will begin on this agenda item.
Secretary-Treasurer’s Reports
Annual Facilities Grant 2023-2024
Secretary-Treasurer Brian Iseli presented the Annual Facilities Grant for 2023-2024 spending plan for the District.
Recommendation: That the Board of Education approves the Annual Facilities Grant 2023/2024 spending plan, as presented.
The Board approves the above motion.
The video link above will begin on this agenda item.
Annual Five-Year Capital Plan Bylaw 2023-2024
Secretary-Treasurer Brian Iseli presented the Capital Plan Response Letter update for the District. He noted that the Board is required to pass a bylaw for the Capital Response Letter. As per the Capital Response Letter, the District was approved to move to a business case to build a secondary school in the Willoughby Slope. He explained that once the business case is approved at the Ministry Treasury Board, there would then be a provincial announcement. Under minor capital projects, the project included Aldergrove Secondary Exterior Wall System (two separate projects) and a wheelchair bus. He explained Project Definition Reports in process from the previous year, which included North Latimer Elementary school and a Langley Secondary addition.
Recommendation: That the School District No. 35 (Langley) (Capital Plan 2023/2024) Capital Bylaw No. 2023/24-CPSD35-01 be given first reading.
Recommendation: That the School District No. 35 (Langley) (Capital Plan 2023/2024) Capital Bylaw No. 2023/24-CPSD35-01 be given second reading.
Recommendation: That the Board of Education of School District No. 35 (Langley) approves having all three readings of the (Capital Plan 2023/2024) Capital Bylaw No. 2023/24-CPSD35-01 at tonight’s meeting.
Recommendation: That the School District No. 35 (Langley) (Capital Plan 2023/2024) Capital Bylaw No. 2023/24-CPSD35-01 be given third reading, passed and adopted on this 25th day of April 2023
The Board approves the above motions.
The video link above will begin on this agenda item.
Student Transportation Walk Limits
Secretary-Treasury Brian Iseli presented the findings from the Student Transportation Walk Limits Study which stemmed from a Board motion which was passed at the Regular Meeting in April 2022. The Board proposed to look into studying the impact of changing the walk limits to accommodate more students on the District’s transportation service. Iseli said the scope of the project was large and required the hiring of a consultant. As part of this study, the walk limit boundaries were redrawn, once parameters were defined. It resulted in 434 students being bussed. Iseli shared the summary of the findings, which included an operating cost of $668,442, lost income from courtesy riders of $12,400, and the requirement to purchase eight additional buses. He shared other considerations which were provided by the consultant.
Recommendation: That the Board of Education receives the information on the Student Transportation Walk Limits Study for information, as presented.
The Board approved the above motion.
The video link above will begin on this agenda item.
Policy Committee
NOTICE OF MOTION RETURN – POLICY 8: BOARD COMMITTEES 115 – 123 Recommendation: That the Board of Education approves Policy 8: Board Committees, as presented.
NOTICE OF MOTION RETURN – POLICY 18: STUDENT TRANSPORTATION 124 – 126 Recommendation: That the Board of Education approves Policy 18: Student Transportation, as presented.
POLICY 17: ACCUMULATED OPERATING SURPLUS 127 – 132 Recommendation: That the Board of Education serves Notice of Motion to the District’s education community and its education partner groups that it intends to adopt the revisions to Policy No. 17: Accumulated Operating Surplus at the April 25, 2023 Regular Board Meeting.
The Board approved the above motions.
The video link above will begin on this agenda item.
New Business
No new business.