Board Meeting: February 21, 2023

February 20, 2023




Vice-Chair Holly Dickinson made an announcement acknowledging the District’s Diversity and Respect Week and Black History Month initiatives. Dickinson highlighted that students and staff will be taking part in educational activities throughout the week and month.

The video above will begin on this agenda item.


Ishtar Women’s Resource Society – PEACE Program and Violence is Preventable Program (Megan Comey, PEACE Counselor)

Megan Comey, PEACE Counselor, gave a presentation about the PEACE Program, which is a program that helps children that have witnessed and experienced violence in their homes. Comey explained how as part of the program three PEACE counsellors visit the children in schools. She explained that there is a great need with a long waiting list for children. Due to time constraints and limited space, counsellors are not always able to meet with children in schools. The organization is hoping to have the Board’s endorsement to work with PEACE counselors and have them continue coming to schools in Langley.

The organization also runs a workshop for K-12 students called VIP which stands for, Violence is Preventable. Comey said content meets BC Education Curriculum. The organization hopes to have the workshop included in teacher and staff pro-D in schools, and perhaps through Langley School District’s DPAC.

The video above will begin on this agenda item.

Secretary-Treasurer’s Reports

Amended Budget Bylaw 2022-2023

Secretary-Treasurer Brian Iseli provided a breakdown of the District’s budget for 2022-2023. Iseli began the presentation with numbers related to the District’s revenue, outlining three main funds, with the bulk of the funds coming from the Ministry of Education and Child Care. He reviewed the District’s expenses with most costs going to instruction costs. The budget bylaw amount is $331, 414, 661.

Iseli shared more detailed numbers including the total operating revenues, the Ministry’s Operating Grant, and Tuition revenue. He explained information regarding changes in salaries for teachers, administrators, educational assistants, support staff, other professionals, substitutes, and also changes to benefits. He outlined in more detail, the numbers relating to increases and decreases for services and supplies. He listed off all the items in the budget under Local Capital Purchased from Operating Fund, which included an accessible playground at Douglas Park and portables, among other things. He noted the special purpose fund revenues which included funds for some new early learning programs.

Recommendation: That the Board of Education approves staff to appropriate (unrestrict) the following restricted surplus amounts to balance the 2022-2023 Amended Budget:

  • $1,233,788 Internally restricted for commitments 2021-2022
  • $167,804 Internally restricted for Indigenous Education
  • $283,393 Internally restricted for COVID-19 contingency
  • $421,322 school surpluses
  • $130,000 Internally restricted for classroom furniture
  • $600,000 Internally restricted for projector replacements
  • $300,000 Internally restricted for future District capital contributions

Recommendation: That the School District No. 35 (Langley) Amended Annual Budget Bylaw 2022-2023 in the amount of $331,414,661 be given first reading.

Recommendation: That the School District No. 35 (Langley) Amended Annual Budget Bylaw 2022-2023 in the amount of $331,414,661 be given second reading. Agenda Page 2

Recommendation: That the Board of Education of School District No. 35 (Langley) approves having all three readings of the Amended Annual Budget Bylaw 2022-2023 in the amount of $331,414,661 at tonight’s meeting.

Recommendation: That the School District No. 35 (Langley) Amended Annual Budget Bylaw 2022-2023 in the amount of $331,414,661 be given third reading, passed and adopted on this 21st day of February 2023.

The Board approved the above motions. The video above will begin on this agenda item.

Superintendent’s Reports

Action Plans for Learning

 Assistant Superintendent Marcello Moino provided an overview of the presentation, noting it would highlight, “what” is an Action Plan for Learning (APfL), and its purpose. He started explaining “the why” of the plan, which he explained is aimed at ensuring that “Every Child Matters”. He said the APfL are the goals and actions at the school level for the school year, and each school is responsible for developing an APfL. The APfL is looked at under the lens of three things: diversity, equity, and inclusion. It’s the idea of taking theory and putting it into practice and impacting students. Some of the theories include the SD35 Continuous Improvement Plan.

Assistant Superintendent Lisa Lainchbury explained the “when” of the APfL. She explained the plan in schools is cyclical and starts with the following: Alignment (initial goals) in September/October, Implementation (application of 8 elements) in November/April, and Evaluation (measurement of outcomes) in May/August. Lainchbury outlined the 8 elements in a chart. She also explained the “who” that is involved.

Principal of Wix-Brown, Rhonda Krisko shared her school’s Action Plan for Learning with the Board of Education. She explained the goal of the plan, and the continued work with students, staff, and families. She explained the benefits of the design of the plan: meeting identified needs, buy-in from staff, and resources and professional development. Krisko highlighted collaboration as an important aspect of her school’s plan (e.g., communication through the principal’s blog). She shared an example of a school event (e.g., literacy night), which had 67 per cent of families in attendance, and she credits the implementation of the action plan for its success. She explained the effective work of staff to collaborate, share their concerns with each other, brainstorm ideas, and implement Response to Intervention strategies. She showed a graphic indicating the learning growth for one of her students which she pointed out was a representation of other students at her school.

Recommendation: That the Board of Education receives the report on Action Plans for Learning for information, as presented.

The Board approved the report as presented. The video above will begin on this agenda item.

Settlement Workers in Schools (SWIS)

District Principal of ELL, SWIS, and Modern Languages Joanne Neveux, provided a brief overview of the SWIS program which has been in place since 2008. SWIS is funded by Immigrants, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). She explained the duties of SWIS workers, which included helping clients register for schools and connect with teachers, provide assistance and referrals for government services, support families with interpretation (translation services), conversation classes, and workshops on useful topics. She also explained the different roles of staff in the District. Lisa Weaver, Manager of SWIS Program, explained the program’s eligible clients (1,278 clients in the last year). She noted forty per cent of clients are ineligible (those are clients that SWIS is not funded to work with) which include temporary residents, refugee claimants, naturalized Canadian Citizens, children born in Canada to immigrant parents.

Joanne Neveux shared data outlining the growing number of students which were broken down by home language spoken, over a time period of approximately five years. She noted this data points to a growth in English Language learners. She then displayed a map of the District indicating where these families are living and how they are centered around Willoughby, downtown City of Langley, and Aldergrove. She explained how the work is aimed at helping families and ensure that they are feeling cared for, connected with, and a sense of belonging.

Lisa Weaver, Manager of SWIS, talked about the challenges and family stress during settlement for families. Challenges included barriers to education including undiagnosed disabilities or learning challenges, trauma, behaviour issues, language skills, among other factors. She talked about the programs that are currently happening in Langley schools including youth workers in schools, homework clubs, reading clubs, Spring Break and Summer programs, workshops focused on careers, and job coaching among other things. She closed the presentation outlining opportunities in the future including a potential grant model.

Recommendation: That the Board of Education receives the report on the Settlement Workers in Schools Program for information, as presented.

Recommendation: That the Langley Board of Education write a letter to Langley’s two Members of Parliament urging Immigrant, Refugee, Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to consider a grant funding model rather than a contribution agreement for the funding of the Settlement Workers in Schools (SWIS) Program, to accommodate the unique needs of school districts to support families and students. In addition, the funding should be expanded to include “ineligible clients” including but not limited to; Refugee Claimants, those on Work Permits, and Naturalized Canadian Citizens (including Syrian and Karen Refugees), as they often require settlement support.

The Board approved the above motions. The video above will begin on this agenda item.

District Calendar 2025-2026

District Principal of Human Resources Kevan Reeve outlined the proposed calendar for 2025-2026. Reeve noted the proposed calendar is in compliance. He showed a graphic of the proposed calendar and outlined the proposed statutory holidays, Winter and Spring breaks, and other important dates. He gave an overview of the consultation process which includes information/instructions to provide feedback on the website and social media.

Recommendation: That the Board of Education requests staff begin the consultation process for the District Calendar for 2025-2026.

The Board approved the above motion. The video above will begin on this agenda item.

The Board invites members of the public to provide feedback on this District Calendar (see below) by March 23, 2023. Please send comments to

District Calendar 2025-2026

International Student Program Changes

Superintendent Mal Gill provided the Board an explanation of proposed increase in program fees for the ISP program. He explained these fees are in alignment with neighbouring school districts which offer similar programs. He also noted proposed changes for ISP fees for Summer Session.

Recommendation: That the Board of Education receives the report on International Student Program Tuition Changes for information, as presented.

The Board approved the above motion. The video above will begin on this agenda item.

Policy Committee

Notice of Motion of Return – Policy 13: Appeals Bylaw

Secretary-Treasurer Brian Iseli provided an update to the Board on the Appeals Bylaw. Iseli reported to the Board there were no suggestions or feedback from the public regarding the Appeals Bylaw notice of motion.

Recommendation: That the School District No. 35 (Langley) Policy 13: Appeals Bylaw be given first reading.

Recommendation: That the School District No. 35 (Langley) Policy 13: Appeals Bylaw be given second reading.

Recommendation: That the Board of Education of School District No. 35 (Langley) approves having all three readings of the Policy 13: Appeals Bylaw at tonight’s meeting.

Recommendation: Agenda Page 3 That the School District No. 35 (Langley) Policy 13: Appeals Bylaw be given third reading, passed and adopted on this 21st day of February 2023.

The Board approved the above motions. The video above will begin on this agenda item.

Education/Strategic Plan Committee

Langley Environmental Awareness Program Academy

Assistant Superintendent Marcello Moino provided an overview of the LEAP program, potential growth of the program, and the year-long consultation that has been underway with staff and families. After consultation, the District and school determined the LEAP program should become an Academy.

Recommendation: That the Board of Education approves that the current Langley Environmental Awareness Program (LEAP) become a Specialty Academy within the Langley School District for September 2023, as presented.

Recommendation: That the Board of Education approves the Langley Environmental Awareness Program Academy fee of $175 for the 2023-2024 school year.

The Board approved the above motions. The video above will begin on this agenda item.

DW Poppy Rugby Academy

Assistant Superintendent Marcello Moino provided an overview of the proposal of a rugby academy at DW Poppy Secondary. He explained the reasons and explained how it stems from the growth and success of the program at the school and in Langley. There are currently three rugby academies in the province. This would be the only rugby academy in the Fraser Valley.

Recommendation: That the Board of Education approves the DW Poppy Secondary School Rugby Academy for September 2023, as presented.

Recommendation: That the Board of Education approves the DW Poppy Secondary School Rugby Academy fee of $600 for the 2023-2024 school year.

The Board approved the above motions. The video above will begin on this agenda item.

Annual Review of Specialty Academy Fees

Recommendation: That the Board of Education approves the fees for Specialty Academies for the 2023- 2024 school year, as presented.

The Board approved the above motion. The video above will begin on this agenda item.

Annual Review of International Baccalaureate Fees

Recommendation: That the Board of Education approves the fee structure for the International Baccalaureate Program at RE Mountain Secondary for the 2023-2024 school year, as presented.

The Board approved the above motion. The video above will begin on this agenda item.

New Business

Trustee Comments

Question Period