After the February 23, 2016 Regular Meeting of the Board of Education, the District is looking to engage the community in a consultation process regarding proposed catchment changes for elementary in schools on the Willoughby Slope. The District is planning six community meetings on:
- Thursday, April 7th intended for the RC Garnett and Langley Meadows communities at RC Garnett Elementary (7096 201st Street) with the first meeting at 1:00pm and the second at 6:30pm.
- Monday, April 11th intended for the Richard Bulpitt and Lynn Fripps communities at Richard Bulpitt Elementary (20965 77A Avenue) with the first meeting at 1:00pm and the second at 6:30pm.
- Wednesday, April 13th intended for the Willoughby, Yorkson Creek and RE Mountain communities at Willoughby Elementary (20766 80th Avenue) with the first meeting at 1:00pm and the second at 6:30pm.
Please note that meeting content will be the same at each meeting regardless of location and that families are welcome to attend any of the meetings.