Q&A with SD35’s Healthy Schools Nurse

January 24, 2022

Part of keeping our students healthy and well, means consulting with experts. And to do that our District coordinates with a Healthy Schools Nurse, from Fraser Health. But what exactly does she do, and how has COVID affected her job? We took a moment to talk with Tamira Burton, our Healthy Schools Nurse, to discover what her role is all about and why she is so important for our school community.

Who are you, and what is your role with Fraser Health and the Langley School District?

My name is Tamira Burton and I am the Fraser Health Healthy Schools Nurse supporting the Langley School District. In addition to engaging in District-wide health promotion initiatives, my role also includes engaging in partnership with a select number of schools within our District, known as ‘focus schools’. The intent of our engagement with focus schools is to provide additional resources to integrate health promotion into schools that experience higher rates of vulnerability.

What does it mean to be a Healthy Schools Nurse?

Fraser Health’s healthy schools nurses support school districts and identified focus schools to promote the mental, physical, emotional and social well-being of students. Our program tailors our services to meet the specific needs of each district and school we work with. We aim to foster a consistent and comprehensive school health approach by:

  • sharing data and evidence-based resources
  • supporting the development of healthy school policies
  • assisting with healthy living grant applications
  • linking schools to Fraser Health or community-based programs and services, and
  • building capacity within the school for integrating and sustaining a culture of healthy living

What does it mean for our schools to have someone in your role?

We base our work with our focus schools on extensive research that shows healthy students are better learners [source]. In my role as a healthy schools nurse, I lead with this understanding in mind when supporting focus schools to expand on the incredible work they do to improve all aspects of student health and wellbeing in the school setting. This includes mental, physical, social-emotional, and intellectual health. I do this by working alongside school staff and other community partners to take upstream actions such as supporting the development of healthy school policies, linking to sources of health data, supporting improvements to the school environment, and strengthening connections with community partners.

In the COVID-19 landscape, what adjustments or priorities have you had to make to help serve students in our District?

During the pandemic, and as we consider its continued impacts on school communities, our healthy schools nurses remain committed to working in close partnership with school districts and focus schools. We do this in support of their efforts to prioritize the mental wellbeing of their students and staff. A key example of how we have done this is by demonstrating to our school district partners how our supports and services strongly align with the Ministry of Education’s Key Principals and Strategies for K-12 Mental Health Promotion in Schools, an important framework for our school districts to take an upstream approach to supporting mental wellness.

What do you enjoy most about being a healthy schools nurse?

I enjoy all aspects of this role and the biggest rewards are hearing the benefits our collaborative work has on staff and students. We all benefit from the partnerships and relationships that are developed and I hope that we continue to build on these partnerships.

If students are looking to improve their well-being, what kinds of resources would you recommend?

There are many resources connected to schools and the community. Students and families can refer to the Langley School District website under the Healthy schools page, or Fraser Health’s Healthy Schools Program webpage for resources on topics such as healthy eating, active living, healthy practices (including substance use prevention and sexual health) and mental well-being.

The Langley School District is full of amazing staff and students, and being able to support them is such a privilege and pleasure.

Find our resources online here: Healthy Schools