Board News: Tuesday, April 28, 2015

April 29, 2015

Brookswood Sr Girls’ Basketball Provincial Championship Recognized

BSS_SrGirls_basketballThe Bobcats of BSS were recognized for an outstanding basketball season that netted them another Provincial Championship. The ‘Cats beat Abbotsford’s W.J. Mouat Hawks 60-48 to clinch the title. Coach Neil Brown and team members were congratulated by the Board and praised for their representation of Langley Schools.


Topham Tora Taiko Drummers

Topham_TaikoTopham Principal Zoltan Bako introduced Teacher Kanata Soranaka and the Taiko drummers to the Board of Education. Topham has a K-7 Japanese Immersion program and the Taiko drumming program is a huge part of that program. Students participate in a wonderful cultural program and learn new skills with the help of Ms Soranaka and the helpful Topham community that assists with drum making and support. The Topham Tora Taiko dummers have a show and fundraiser coming up Satruday, May 23 at 7pm. Ticket information is available at Funds raised will assist Tohoku Rainbow House and 2011 tsunami orphans.

Langley Fundamental Middle/Secondary School Choir

LFMS_choirThe Board was treated to a performance by the LFMSS Choir which included drums made by Kwantlen Artist Brandon Gabriel. The musical selection was O Siem by Inuit recording artist Susan Aglukark. O Siem is a West Coast First Nations phrase used when honoring or welcoming a guest or important person. Thank you to Principal Mark Rempel and Music Director Steve Thompson.

Superintendent’s Achievement Report

REG_Sups Achievement Report - Educational Research_2015Apr28_page1Superintendent Suzanne Hoffman shared information of a different sort when she spoke of achievement during this report – she spoke of the District Administrators and their work to improve education. At the monthly Superintendent Meetings time is spent exploring research and investigating implications of this research on student success.


School Calendars 2015-2016

REG_School Calendars 2015.2016_ 2015Apr28_page1Amended School Calendars for the 2015-2016 school year were approved by the Board of Education at this meeting. Calendars had previously been amended to align spring break with other Metro Vancouver districts and these further amendments are to include professional development days that were redistributed to provide a common collaboration time to all school communities. Collaboration time for the district will be shifted to the afternoon in response to parent concerns around morning collaboration times.

Superintendent’s Information Items: Mental Health Update

Reg_Mental Health in the Langley School District_2015April 28_page1Principal of Safe Schools Renge Bailie presented on upcoming initiatives and partnerships that are developing in the District to support the mental health of students. Joint meetings with the Langley Teachers’ Association, Human Resources and Safe Schools and new partnerships with the Child Youth Mental Health Substance Use Collaborative, the Canadian Mental Health Association among other groups and the addition of updated Policies (Policy 7200 Anti-Harassment and Anti-Discrimination) as well as development of curriculum will all contribute to the increased support available to students. Access to mental health services will be increased within the District.

Annual Report on the Aboriginal Enhancement Agreement

Report on Aboriginal Enhancement Agreement_page1District Principal of Aboriginal Education Michael Morgan provided an overview of the 2013-2014 Annual Report on the Aboriginal Enhancement Agreement. The 2013-2014 year was the fourth of a five year agreement and the District is currently undertaking a process of community consultation to draft a new Enhancement Agreement. The Agreement includes spiritual, emotional, intellectual and physical goals and strategies to meet those goals for students of Aboriginal ancestry. The Enhancement Agreement is defined by the Aboriginal Community, the District and the Ministry of Education.

International Student Program Update

REG_ISP Update_2015Apr28_page1International Student Program Director Barry Bunyan and Vice-Principals Mark Leiper, Kim Luteijn and Paula Howe presented an update of the international program. Included was the positive growth the program has achieved as well as the increasing diversity of the program, welcoming students from more countries than ever before. The interenational program provides wonderful educational opportunities for Langley students as well as those visiting from other countries in addition to a source of revenue for the District.

Summer Session 2015

REG_Summer Session_2015Apr28_page1Assistant Superintendent Gordon Stewart introduced Summer Session Principal Ron Stare, indicating that Summer Session this year could reach over 4500 students, in the wake of last year’s cancellation due to the strike action. Registration is well underway for remedial and enrichment courses this summer. Exciting new opportunities this year include the middle school program at Yorkson Creek, the addition of programs at Richard Bulpitt Elementary adn the expansion of programs for vulnerable youth.

Capital Project Bylaw No. 126889

The Capital Project Bylaw No. 126889 (Annual Facilities Grant 2015-2016) passed all three readings. The grant is in the amount of $2,775,937 and is for the purpose of maintenance and capital work on District facilities.

Board Meeting Schedule 2015-2016

The Board of Education approved the Board Meeting Schedule as presented.

Budget Update

REG_Budget Update - April 28 2015_page1Secretary Treasurer David Green presented a budget update that included a general outline of the ‘status quo’ approach undertaken as well as enrolment projections, projected funding and the status of budget development, among other items. The budget is expected to be presented to the Board for first and second readings at the May 26th meeting with a third reading planned for the June 16th Board meeting.