New school year, new facility updates!

September 10, 2019

“We are so excited,” says Board Chair, Megan Dykeman. “There have been so many wonderful things that have taken place, while our staff have been hard at work this summer.”

Students will have already noticed many of the changes in our buildings, but our facilities teams were, and are continually, hard at work installing and updating several upgrades to school sites around the District.

The biggest of these changes to the District is the new RE Mountain Secondary School. After 2 years of construction the new high school accepted its first students last week!

Right next door, formerly known as RE Mountain, the new Peter Ewart Middle School re opened under its new name.

In addition to these, there have been several gym floor and wall upgrades. Both Brookswood and DW Poppy Secondary have received new murals on their gym walls. Brookswood installed a new gym floor, and DW Poppy had theirs re-painted, as well as having new bleachers installed.

Brookswood also opened a new foods room with six kitchens.

There are also a several new playgrounds around the district. Nicomekl and Glenwood Elementary are just some of the schools that have had the benefit of new playgrounds for their students.

It would also be hard to ignore all of the changes happening at Langley Secondary School. Following their 110th anniversary, the school underwent demolition of some of the older segments of the school over the summer. In place, the new wing of the school is now open to students, with state-of-the-art classroom spaces and amazing new architecture.

“Our crews work all summer long to make this happen,” says Tristan Schaufler, Director of Facilities. “They are here throughout the year to address issues while school is in session and fit in vacations when it is convenient for the district. We have great people with great amount of skill and dedication. I am very proud of them.”