Keeping our Children Safe from Gangs: Info Night

May 10, 2019

Gang prevention and education is key to a safer community.

Join us on Tuesday, May 28 at R.E. Mountain Secondary School for an information session, Keeping our Children Safe from Gangs. It is open to parents of school-aged children.

British Columbia’s gang landscape is vastly different from other jurisdictions, this is why this presentation is so important. Children from all socio-economic backgrounds can be vulnerable to gang recruitment and involvement. Youth are being recruited in ways that our communities have never seen before.

You will leave this presentation with a greater understanding of what you can do to prevent your child from getting involved in gang activity.

This FREE informative presentation will cover the following topics and more:
• What is a youth gang?
• Understanding why youth are attracted to the gang lifestyle
• What does gang membership entail?
• Warning signs to look for
• What to do if you think your child is involved in gang related activity
• How to keep your children safe from youth gang involvement

Keeping our Children Safe from Gangs: Info Night
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
R.E. Mountain Secondary School
7755 202a St, Langley
7:00 pm