English Language Learning (ELL) Program

The ELL program supports children from Kindergarten to Grade 12. Assistance for ELL students requires attention to language proficiency, intellectual development, and citizenship. ELL students are registered at their neighbourhood schools and placed in age-appropriate classrooms or courses. Assessment of English proficiency results in recommendations for the type and intensity of support required. Students can be assisted in small groups or within their classrooms at the elementary level. Individualized or adapted programs to aid comprehension are part of the ELL student’s daily routine. At the secondary level, students are placed in ELL courses to improve their English skills. In addition, a variety of transition courses are offered to enhance the ELL students’ academic growth.

In their role, ELL teachers conduct assessments, review the results with school personnel, make appropriate program recommendations and offer direct instruction to ELL students. ELL teachers also provide integration techniques and selected instructional materials to classroom teachers.

Please refer to Regulations from Administrative Procedure 211 – English Language Learner Program

ELL Office

The ELL office houses numerous resources and is a workspace which is provided for ELL teachers and ELL support staff working for the Langley School District.

International Education

The International Education Department is housed on the first floor at the Langley School District Board Office. All inquiries regarding the International Student Program should be directed to this office at 604-534-7891.