Wix-Brown sows the seeds of learning
April 24, 2018
The shovels are out at Wix-Brown Elementary, and the kids are digging in!
Spring time means it’s planting season, and the eight divisions of Wix-Brown have each been given two raised garden beds to plant in. Mrs. Tarasoff’s grade 3 class went out to plant on April 18, a bright sunny afternoon.
The garden beds were built last spring by the ACSS carpentry students, as well as a green house. The project was funded by the school’s PAC who also contributed all of the soil and the seeds for the classes to plant.
In addition, the PAC also donated several picnic tables so that kids could sit outside and enjoy the garden in comfort. It has turned into a busy spot during recess and lunch.
Many of the plants grown are vegetables or fruits, with some flowers. Mrs. Tarasoff’s class chose to plant corn, carrots, radish, and nasturtium, with the addition of a small rhubarb plant that was moved into their plot.
The kids loaded the fresh soil into the raised plots, then dug trenches to plant seeds. They took turns planting the seeds as evenly as they could.
The garden is also maintained by a few parent volunteers, as well as an SEA at the school who is building bird-houses.
A special thank you to the parents and the PAC of the Wix-Brown community who donated their time and money into creating a unique learning space for the students.