Naming Process for Future Middle School in the Willoughby Area
January 31, 2018
School District No. 35 (Langley) is now accepting submissions from the public for the name of the future middle school in the Willoughby area. The school is scheduled to open in Fall 2019, at 7755 – 202A Street. Names should reflect the geographical area or names of prominent persons, including deceased persons.
Submissions should include the name and contact information of the person or group making the suggestion and a rationale for the suggested name, including any background information that you have.
Policy 4004 – Naming of Schools: PDF download | Online
Submissions must be returned by April 9, 2018 to the Office of the Secretary Treasurer at the School Board Office, 4875 – 222 Street, Langley, BC V3A 3Z7. Submissions may also be emailed to Laurie Mason at the following email address: For more information, please call 604-532-1476.
Background Information: Board News December 12, 2017
Announcement: Naming of the new Willoughby area secondary school
Board Chair Rob McFarlane announced that the new secondary school being built in Langley’s Willoughby neighbourhood will be named R.E. Mountain Secondary School when complete. The current R.E. Mountain Secondary School, adjacent to the new construction, will be renamed when it is converted to a middle school. Board Chair Robert McFarlane expressed his thanks to all those that provided suggestions and said, “that name [R.E. Mountain Secondary] was selected out of 76 submissions based on feedback and overwhelming community support, to maintain the connections built over many years that R.E. Mountain has been in existence”. The announcement was made in the presence of the REMSS Chamber Choir and was met with applause and cheers from the students, staff and public present.