Jazz Pilots for Kids brings Starfish Packs to North Otter

October 27, 2017

Pictured, Left to Right: Charlie Fox (Rotary), Captain Dan Rowbotham (JPFK), Dianne Chretien (Principal), Ulla Thomas (Youth worker)

Thanks to the contributions by Jazz Airline Pilots for Kids, North Otter is now able to provide 10 Starfish Packs to kids in need. The generous contribution of $3,150 was made earlier this month.

The packs were presented to the school by Captain Dan Rowbotham, chairman of Jazz Airline Pilots for Kids. The aim of the program, according to Captain Rowbotham, is to “to improve food and breakfast programs for kids”. They have partnered with cities across the country to feed students, including the Brown Bagging for Calgary’s Kids, The Children’s Breakfast Club in Toronto, and the Sidney Food Bank in Victoria.

The donation will go to feed children who signed up for the Starfish Pack program at North Otter. Bags are loaded on Friday with food for two days, and brought back on Monday to be refilled for the next weekend.

The Starfish Pack program is organized by the Rotary Club in Langley. Currently they offer backpacks to students at Parkside, Shortreed, Betty Gilbert, and now, North Otter.

Ulla Thomas, the youth worker at North Otter, accepted the packs and will be distributing them to students.