James Kennedy students lead in preparation for The Great ShakeOut
October 18, 2017
Grade six students at James Kennedy Elementary had the opportunity to lead during an assembly on October 17th. In preparation for the Great British Columbia ShakeOut, the school held a demonstration, instructing classes on how to react to a major earthquake.
Grade six students were trained ahead of assembly by Ginger from the Langley Emergency Program on how to Drop, Cover, and Hold on. Following their preparation, students were then called to the head of the assembly to demonstrate proper earthquake response to the whole school.
During the demonstration, teachers flickered the lights on and off, shook tables, and slammed doors, emulating the sounds and sights of a real quake.
Following the demonstration, students were given the opportunity to ask questions. Many of which involved situational preparedness, such as what to do if they are in a car during an earthquake. Kids were given responsibility for their leadership in being prepared both at home and at school.
The Great British Columbia ShakeOut happens this Thursday, October 19. For more information visit www.shakeoutbc.ca .