Shortreed students interview award winning authors for Orange Shirt Day
September 29, 2017
In recognition of Orange Shirt Day, three classes from Shortreed Elementary had the opportunity to speak with the authors of the award winning book “Fatty Legs”.
Margaret Pokiak-Fenton and Christy Jordan-Fenton used Skype to speak to the group of grade 2-4 students. They shared their personal stories about writing the books, as well as Margaret’s history of being a student in Residential School. In preparation for the event, students read several of the books written by the authors and wrote a series of questions they wished to ask.
The book “Fatty Legs” was written by Christy Jordan-Fenton retelling her mother-in-law, Margaret Pokiak-Fenton’s story about the nickname she had while she attended Residential School. The book detailed her life in school, and the many difficulties she had.
The classes clung to these hardships, asking questions about what it was like to live in such a difficult place. Many of them wondered if she ever had any good times that she could remember. To which, Margaret recalled how she and her friends would often try to spy on the nurses to try to see them without their habits (the hat that nuns had to wear).
Many of the stories shared were about difficulties: about how aboriginal kids were not allowed to celebrate their birthdays, how they were forced to cut their hair, and what the punishments were like. Margaret shared, as well, the story of how her own mother didn’t recognize her when she returned home from school.
Students were enthusiastic about taking their turn to ask a question of the authors, lining up with orange paper hearts where they hard written their questions.
Mr. Touzeau, Ms. Beddard, and Mr. Davidson’s classes participated in the event.