Four Langley schools set up Little Free Libraries in their community
May 15, 2017
Students from four Langley Elementary schools have taken steps to create a community around reading in their neighbourhoods. Gordon Greenwood, Dorothy Peacock, Langley Fine Arts, and Richard Bulpitt students have each constructed their own Little Free Library at their schools.
Little Free Libraries are often seen as outdoor cabinets filled with books where community members can take a book and leave another. These libraries are used to build interaction within the community around library. Many are also avenues for sharing art.
The library cabinets themselves were designed by Walnut Grove Secondary students in their Carpentry and Joinery 11 classes with the help of Wayne Halabourda and Teacher Librarian Joanie Proske. The cabinets were put on display in WGSS before being set up outside the elementary schools.
The new libraries are part of an existing program and are added to the growing list of Little Free Libraries across the city.
For more information and additional locations, visit